
To create a table, use createTableShape method of slide.


$tableShape = $slide->createTableShape($columns);


A row is a child of a table. For creating a row, use createRow method of a Table shape.

$tableShape = $slide->createTableShape($columns);
$row = $tableShape->createRow();


A cell is a child of a row.

You can access cell objects with nextCell method of a Row object.

$tableShape = $slide->createTableShape($columns);
$row = $tableShape->createRow();
// Get the first cell
$cellA1 = $row->nextCell();
// Get the second cell
$cellA2 = $row->nextCell();

You can access cell object directly.

$tableShape = $slide->createTableShape($columns);
$row = $tableShape->createRow();
// Get the first cell
$cellA1 = $row->getCell(0);
// Get the second cell
$cellA2 = $row->getCell(1);

Define margins of a cell

Margins of cells are defined by margins of the first paragraph of cell. Margins of cells are defined in pixels.

For defining margins of cell, you can use the setMargin* method of a Alignment object of the active paragraph of a Cell object.

$tableShape = $slide->createTableShape($columns);
$row = $tableShape->createRow();
$cellA1 = $row->nextCell();

Define the text direction of a cell

For defining the text direction of cell, you can use the setTextDirection method of the getAlignment method of a Cell object. The width is in pixels.

$tableShape = $slide->createTableShape($columns);
$row = $tableShape->createRow();
$cellA1 = $row->nextCell();

Define the width of a cell

The width of cells are defined by the width of cell of the first row. If not defined, all cells widths are calculated from the width of the shape and the number of columns.

For defining the width of cell, you can use the setWidth method of a Cell object. The width is in pixels.

$tableShape = $slide->createTableShape($columns);
$row = $tableShape->createRow();
$cellA1 = $row->nextCell();